Steps on How to Calculate Precious Cornerstone University CGPA, GP, And GPA

Precious Cornerstone University Grading System | How to Calculate Precious Cornerstone University Scores| How to Calculate the Nigerian universities Grades, Precious Cornerstone University Exam Grades, Test Score, ND/HND First and Second Semester GP, CGPA & GPA. How to Calculate Precious Cornerstone University CGPA

Follow the guidelines below, to successfully and accurately calculate your grade scores in Precious Cornerstone University.

Polytechnics Grading System Table

Mark (%) Letter Grade Grade Point FINAL CGPA Class of Degrees
100 – 80 A 4.00 3.50 – 4.00 Distinction
79 – 70 AB 3.50 3.00 – 3.49 Upper Credit
69 – 60 B 3.00 2.50 – 2.99 Lower Credit
59 – 50 BC 2.50 2.00 – 2.49 Pass
49 – 40 C 2.00 0.00 – 1.99 Fail
39 – 0 E 00.00

First Semester OND1 GPA Calculation:
In the polytechnic if a student offers the following courses and obtains a score that corresponds to the following letter grades that lead to the distribution on the tables below. Bearing in mind that we don’t approximate GPA then such student will calculate his/her GPA as follows:

Course Code Credit Unit Letter Grade Points Grade Credit x Points Total Points
GSP 101 2 C 2.00 2 x 2.00 4.00
GSP 111 2 A 4.00 2 x 4.00 8.00
GSP 105 2 C 2.00 2 x 2.00 4.00
GSP 201 2 AB 3.50 2 x 3.50 6.50
COS 101 2 BC 2.50 2 x 2.50 4.50
STA 131 2 B 3.00 2 x 3.00 6.00
MTH 221 3 C 2.00 3 x 2.00 6.00
Total Credit Units 15 Total Points 39.00

First Semester OND1:
GPA = Total points/Total Credit Units = 39.00/15 = 2.6.
Therefore his/her first semester ND1 GPA = 2.6.

First Semester OND1 GPA Calculation/Computation Table:

Course Code Credit Unit Letter Grade Points Grade Credit x Points Total Points
CHM 112 2 A 4.00 2 x 4.00 8.00
GSP 208 2 E 0.00 2 x 0.00 0.00
GSP 106 2 C 2.00 2 x 2.00 4.00
GSP 202 2 C 2.00 2 x 2.00 4.00
BIO 152 3 B 3.00 3 x 3.00 9.00
PHY 196 2 BC 2.50 2 x 2.50 4.50
GLG 142 3 C 2.00 3 x 2.00 6.00
Total Credit Units 16 Total Points 35.5

Second Semester GPA = Total points/Total Credit Units = 35.50/16 = 2.21875= 2.21.
Therefore his/her second semester ND1 GPA = 2.21.

To calculate here cumulative grade point average (CGPA) for ND1 (first year), such student add his/her ND1 first semester and second semester GPA and divide the result so obtain by two (2), i.e. the number of semester.

Here is the working:
The student’s OND1 CGPA = (First Semester ND1 GPA + Second semester ND1 GPA) / 2 = (2.6 + 2.21) / 2.

CGPA = 4.81 / 2 = 2.405 = 2.40 

The finale CGPA = (OND1 + OND2) / 2 = (2.40 + 3.45) / 2 = 5.85 / 2 = 2.925 = 2.92.
FCGPA = 2.92.

How to Calculate universities Grades

Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade
A 70.00 – 100.00 First Class Honours (5) A
AB 70.00 – 100.00 A
B 60.00 – 69.99 Second Class Honours, Upper (4) B+
BC 60.00 – 69.99 B+
C 50.00 – 59.99 Second Class Honours, Lower (3) B
CD 50.00 – 59.99 B
D 45.00 – 49.99 Third Class (2) C+
E 40.00 – 44.99 Pass (1) C
F 0.00 – 39.99 F

West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) Grading System

West African School Certificate replaced the West African General Certificate of Education Ordinary and Advanced levels (GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels) in 1989.

Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade
A1 1.00 – 1.99 Excellent A+
B2 2.00 – 2.99 Very Good A
B3 3.00 – 3.99 Good B
B4 4.00 – 4.99 Credit B
C5 5.00 – 5.99 Credit C
C6 6.00 – 6.99 Credit C
D7 7.00 – 7.99 Pass D
E8 8.00 – 8.99 Pass D
F9 9.00 Fail F

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Grading System

Grade US Grade

National Examinations Council (NECO) Senior School Certificate Grading System

Grade Grade Description US Grade
A1 Excellent A+
B2 Very Good A
B3 Good B
C4 Credit B
C5 Credit C
C6 Credit C
D7 Pass D
D/E8 Pass D
F9 Fail F


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