Hostels in Mutare Teacher’s College

Mutare Teacher’s College Accommodation/Hostel Online Application form and Fees. Mutare Teacher’s College Hostels

The Mutare Teacher’s College Residence Applications for the session is now available.

The management of the Mutare Teacher’s College has released Available Hostel and fees for Applicants who wish to study in the Institution.

Hostel Rules And Regulation

Most of the hostels around the school premises has rules and regulations governing them while some, don’t. Below are a few of many rules most hostels abide to, read carefully so as not to fall a victim.

  • Tenants are not allowed to drink or smoke within the premises. Those found in contempt of this rule and/or intoxicated within the hostel compounds will be evicted.
  • Tenants are not allowed to host persons of the opposite gender in their rooms past 10 pm.
  • No sexual activities or related social acts shall be carried out within the hostel compounds; those that are caught will be evicted.
  • All rooms are expected to be clean at all times. Tenants with unclean rooms will be asked to clean and put their rooms in working order at a moment’s notice.
  • Tenants are not allowed to cook within the rooms. Keeping food within the rooms with the intention of cooking in or outside the rooms is not allowed. Violation of this warrants eviction.
  • To enhance an atmosphere conducive to studying, no loud music or unnecessary noise will be allowed within the hostel.
  • All issues of vandalism shall warrant replacement of damaged property by the perpetrator, upon which eviction may ensue.
  • All displays of violence or threatening behavior against other tenants are strictly not allowed. All actions of this nature will warrant eviction.
  • Visitors are not allowed to sleep over.

Most times, to ensure adherence of the outlined rules, all rooms shall be susceptible to weekly and monthly inspections without prior warning.

Mutare Teacher’s College Hostels/ Student Accommodation

There are accomodations for Students to rent from various private providers. Due to the location of the campus, students find it easier to get accommodation close by.

Available hostels in the school can be accessed through the link below, you can still find Accommodations elsewhere close to the premises if you aren’t okay with the ones on the portal.


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For More Inquiries about the Accomodations, please, kindly drop a comment below We will respond to you ASAP or reach out at convenience via Mutare Teacher’s College Contact Details.


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