
ABET Portal

ABET Registration Portal, Procedures, And Course Registration Portal for the Academic Year.



ABET or Adult Basic Education and Training, is the term used to describe the education of adults when providing them with basic literacy and numeracy skills. It also describes the obtaining of further skills and education by adults. For writing the adult matric or Amended Senior Certificate (ASC), adults are defined as over 21 years of age. The term “lifelong learning” illustrates what ABET tries to achieve. Lifelong learning is the “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of information for personal or job-related reasons. A

The concept of ABET is uniquely South African. In the English-speaking world, ABE means Adult Basic Education. South Africa added the T, for Training in the policy initiatives of the early 1990s. Making the change to ABET was controversial for a time. It was believed that alternative, non-formal approaches to adult education were powerful ways to improve the education of the many . The reasons for adopting the term fell into two main groups.


as a result, it improves not just social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal growth, but also self-sufficiency, competitiveness, and employment.

ABET and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

There is an ABET level which covers basic schooling up to grade 9 followed by the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) which details education levels from Grade 9 upwards.


ABET levels and their school equivalents are as follows

  • ABET Level 1: Grade 3
  • ABET Level 2: Grade 5
  • ABET Level 3: Grade 7
  • ABET Level 4: Grade 9 (or NQF level 1)
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The NQF and their school equivalents are as follows

  • NQF Level 1: Grade 9 certificate or equivalent (also equates with ABET Level 4)
  • NQF Level 2: Grade 10 certificate or equivalent
  • NQF Level 3: Grade 11 certificate or equivalent
  • NQF Level 4: Grade 12 certificate or equivalent
  • NQF Level 5: Higher Certificate
  • NQF Level 6: Diploma
  • NQF Level 7: Bachelor’s Degree
  • NQF Level 8: Honours Degree
  • NQF Level 9: Master’s Degree
  • NQF Level 10: Doctorate Degree

Different Types of ABET

ABET has been called several names with subtly different meanings.

AET: Adult Education and Training. This term is often used interchangeably with that of ABET and is mostly used overseas.

FET: Further Education and Training. Most often used n the context of vocational training. The term used mostly nowadays is TVET

TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training. This name took over from that of FET.

CET: Continuing Education and Training. This refers mainly to higher education training.

You’ve received training to teach adults and are keen to put your knowledge to work. Now what? You can choose to go into academia as a lecturer teaching other students what is involved in being an ABET practitioner. Alternatively you can find employment in an organisation that cares enough out its employees to provide them with further education, or you can open your own ABET / FET centre either to teach literacy, life skills and numeracy or a more technical skill at a higher level.

To comply with legislation, there are certain requirements if you choose this path. If you choose to teach a technical skill, please note the following notice from the dhet.

See also  How to Get 2023 Matric Results From DBE

ABET Registration Portal, How to Register Online

To Register for ABET, follow the instruction;
  • Visit



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