National Treasury Bursary 2021-2022 | How to Apply

National Treasury Bursary 2021/2022 | How to apply for the National Treasury bursaries program online, requirements, application form, and application closing date 2021-2022.

Want to apply for Bursaries in South Africa 2021? The National Treasury invites an application from suitably and qualifies students for their bursary program 2021-2022.

bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups.

It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.

National Treasury Bursary Progam 2021-2022

The National Treasury Department aims to assist candidates in need of financial aid to complete their studies in what they consider to be critical and scarce skills that are needed within the National Treasury Department.  They offer students the opportunity to gain such skills and qualifications to further their careers and provide them with relevant opportunities to suitable and stable work environments.  They intend to assist in giving South Africans the opportunity to become qualified in a field of study that will promote the growth of South Africa as well as the skilled population.  Bursaries are provided yearly to financial dependent candidates.

National Treasury Bursaries

Their bursaries will include the following to successful candidates:

  • Full tuition fee at the accredited University
  • Books prescribed for study only by the accredited University curriculum
  • Accommodation residence at the accredited University
  • Meals at the accredited University

Students who qualify for the national Treasury bursary may also apply for vacation work with the National Treasury Department.  Students who want to do so must inform the National Treasury Department of this need and it will then be arraigned by the relevant Human Resource Department where applicable.

National Treasury Bursaries Available

The following study fields are available for candidates that apply for bursaries:

  • Accounting
  • Auditing (Internal)
  • BCom Law
  • Engineering (Financial)
  • Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Finance (Development)
  • LLB
  • Management (Financial)
  • Management (Risk)
  • Policy (Public)
  • Policy (Social)
  • Taxation

National Treasury Bursaries Requirements

Candidates who want to apply for a bursary with the National Treasury Department needs to have the following requirements:

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must have a valid ID Book
  • You have to meet all requests for the field of study that you are applying for
  • Provide proof that you have registered and have been accepted at the chosen University
  • Must proof your need for financial assistance
  • Only applicants wanting to study or that are currently studying one of the fields as mentioned above may apply
  • Grade 12 certificate must proof University exemption
  • Your combined average for Grade 12 must be 65% or higher
  • If in University your combined average must be 65% or higher for the previous year of study.

The National Treasury Department expects candidates to sign a work agreement for the same period as that of the study bursary.  This means that if your studies take three years you will be required to work for a period of three years for the department.  In the case where the department does not have space to accommodate you after completion of your studies and there is also no other space available within the public sector, you will be released from the contract with no further commitment needed.

If after completion of your studies you decide however that you do not wish to be employed by the National Treasury Department you will be required to pay back the full bursary amount or if the company that you are going to work for is willing to take over the cost of your bursary, they can pay it back to the National Treasury Department.

National Treasury Application

The online application for these bursaries is not yet available but candidates can get the relevant application forms, and send the completed form with relevant documentation to the following address:

It is requested that applicants also send a motivational letter of interest along with their completed form stating why you want the bursary as well as what makes you unique and eligible for the bursary.

Remember to include certified copies of the following documentation:

  • South African ID
  • Official Academic Records
  • Copies of Parents / Guardians IDs
  • Proof or affidavit of Parents / Guardians income

These, as well as all other relevant documentation, can also be E-Mailed to and make sure the form is completed fully.

National Treasury Bursaries Closing Date

This is an old advert and no longer accurate.

The closing date for bursary applications is the middle of August each year and candidates wanting to apply should ensure that it reaches the National Treasury Department well before that time.

Once the closing date has been reached a paper and telephonic selection will be applied specified on the above-mentioned criteria.  Out of these, a shortlist will be formed and candidates will be contacted to do an interview.

The interview will be done by a panel and only after all interviews have been completed, will the selection process begin.  Candidates who qualify for bursaries will then be contacted. For more information visit their Website and read their Information brochure.

Bursaries will be successful given after final Grade 12 or the current year of study has been completed and a 65% average has been achieved.

If you are interested in any of the fields of study as stated above and need assistance for further studies you can apply to the National Treasury Department.  Please read all the information on the application form and make sure all fields have been completed before submitting it to the National Treasury Department.

Make sure to read every detail of your Bursary contract. Not every company offers the same rewards and some companies will ask you to work for them as long as you have held the bursary.


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