UIF status Check – Guidelines on How to Check your Payment Status

Unemployment Insurance Funds -UIF Status Check.UIF Status Check

UIF Payment Status Check. The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) was created by the government to give workers temporary assistance when they lose their jobs or are unable to work due to illness, pregnancy, or adoption-related leave. It also serves the dependents of a contributor who has passed away.

If an employee loses their job, they will get benefits from the UIF for a maximum of six months at that time. This fund is funded in part by the state, businesses, and employees.

uFiling is a free online service that allows you to securely submit your UIF declarations and pay your monthly contributions.

It harnesses the power of the Internet, allowing domestics, commercial employers, and practitioners to complete and submit monthly UIF declarations and to securely pay UIF contributions.

Benefits of UIF and How to apply for each of the benefits

The UIF has about 5 benefits applicants can apply for. On this page, you will find the different benefits and its application procedures.

The five kinds of benefits covered by UIF are:

  • Unemployment benefits
  • Sick benefits
  • Maternity benefits
  • Adoption benefits
  • Dependant’s benefits

Who is Not Covered by the UIF

The following people are not covered by UIF:

  • Employees who work less than 24 hours per month (or 8 hours per week)
  • Seasonal employees
  • Employees who receive payment under a leadership agreement negotiated under the Skills Development Act (no 97 of 1998)
  • National and provincial government employees (public servants)
  • People whose earnings are calculated on a commission basis
  • Foreign contract employees (unless they have permanent residence)

UIF Unemployment Benefits

These benefits are for employees who lose their jobs because they have been dismissed or retrenched, or when the employee’s contract expires. If an employee resigns from the job, they will not qualify for benefits unless the employee can prove it was a constructive dismissal.

To get unemployment benefits, the employee must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The employee has been contributing to the fund and money has been deducted from his or her salary for uif every month
  • The claim must be made within 6 months of becoming unemployed
  • The claim must be made on the proper form
  • The employee has been unemployed for more than 14 days
  • The services of the employee were terminated (dismissal, retrenchment or insolvency of the employer) by the employer and the employee did not resign (unless they can prove it was constructive dismissal)
  • The employee is registered as a work seeker with an employment office in terms of the Skills Development Act, 1998 (the employee must be capable of and available for work)

UIF Payment Status Check.

Benefits will be paid for a maximum of 238 days (34 weeks) or for the number of days of credits that the person has built up during the 4 years leading up to the application for benefits.

The employee must report at times and places that the claims officer determines to sign the unemployment register and he/she must undergo training and vocational counseling if the claims officer tells him or her to do this.

How to apply for the UIF Unemployment Benefits

The application process takes five steps to complete:

Step 1:

Accept the Terms and Conditions

Step 2:

Confirm your Banking Details

Step 3:

Verify or complete your Details and update any changes

Step 4:

Enter your Occupation and qualifications.

Step 5:

Confirm that you are a Job Seeker

UIF Sickness Benefits

Employees can claim illness benefits if they are off work because of illness for more than two weeks. Benefits are paid from the date on which the employee stopped working because of illness.

To get illness benefits, the employee must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The employee has been contributing to the fund and money has been deducted from his or her salary for UIF every month
  • The employee must have been sick for more than 14 days
  • The claim must be made within 6 months of the illness
  • The claim must be made on the proper form which includes completing a medical certificate, by the doctor or recognized homeopath. A medical certificate

If the employee has been paid by the employer during the period of illness, then the benefits paid by the Fund will be the difference between what the employer paid and the benefit that the employee would have been entitled to.

Benefits can be paid up to a maximum of 238 days in any period of 4 years, depending on the number of credits an employee has earned.

How to apply for the UIF Illness Benefits

The application process takes five steps to complete:

Step 1:

Accept the Terms and Conditions

Step 2:

Confirm your Banking Details

Step 3: 

Verify or complete your Details and update any changes

Step 4:

Enter your Occupation and qualifications.

Step 5:

Confirm if you are receiving a salary from your employer whilst on Illness leave

Maternity Benefits from the UIF

Maternity benefits can be paid to a contributor who is pregnant. Section 25 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act says a pregnant woman can take maternity leave at any time from 4 weeks before the expected date of birth, and she may not work for six weeks after the birth. Benefits can be paid to a maximum of 121 days or 17.32 weeks in any period of 4 years. If an employee has applied for maternity benefits, this does not affect her right to claim unemployment benefits.


UIF maternity benefits Application Criteria

To get maternity benefits, the employee must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The employee has been contributing to the fund and money has been deducted from her salary for UIF every month
  • The claim must be made at least 8 weeks before childbirth (or on good cause shown).
  • The claim must be made in the proper form.

If there is a miscarriage or a stillborn child, then benefits are paid for a maximum of 6 weeks after the miscarriage or stillbirth.

If the employee has been paid by the employer during the period when she was off on maternity leave, then the benefits paid by the fund will be the difference between what the employer paid and the benefit that the employee would have been entitled to.

How to apply for the UIF maternity benefits Payment Status Check

The application process takes five steps to complete:

Step 1:

Accept the Terms and Conditions

Step 2:

Confirm your Banking Details

Step 3:

Verify or complete your Details and update any changes

Step 4:

Enter your occupation and qualifications.

Step 5:

Confirm if you are receiving a salary from your employer whilst on Maternity leave

Adoption Benefits from the UIF Payment Status Check

A person who legally adopts a child less than 2 years old and who leaves work to look after that child, can now claim adoption benefits from the Fund from the date of adoption.

Only one of the adoptive parents can apply for benefits.

Benefits are paid from the date on which the court grants an order for adoption. To get adoption benefits the employee must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The employee has been contributing to the fund and money has been deducted from his/her salary for uif every month
  • The child must be adopted in terms of the Child Care Act of 1983
  • The period not working must be spent caring for the child
  • The adopted child must be below 2 years old
  • The claim for benefits must be made within 6 months of the order of adoption being issued
  • The claim must be made in the proper form.

If the employee has been paid by the employer during the period when he or she is off caring for the adopted child, then the benefits paid by the Fund will be the difference between what the employer paid and the benefit that the employee would have been entitled to.

How to apply for the UIF maternity benefits

The application process takes five steps to complete:

Step 1:

Accept the Terms and Conditions

Step 2:

Confirm your Banking Details

Step 3:

Verify or complete your Details and update any changes

Step 4:

Enter your occupation and qualifications.

Step 5:

Confirm if you are receiving a salary from your employer whilst on Adoption leave & Adopted Child’s Details

Dependents’ Benefits from the UIF Payment Status Check

If an employee dies while working, the dependents can claim the dependent’s benefits from the fund. A dependent can be:

  • The employee’s wife, husband, or life partner
  • Any dependent child under 21 years of age if there is no surviving spouse (husband or wife) or if the surviving spouse or life partner has not made an application for the benefits within 6 months.

To get dependents’ benefits, the employee must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The employee must have been contributing to the fund and money must have been deducted from his/her salary for uif every month
  • The claim for benefits must be made within 6 months of the death of the employee
  • The claim must be made on the proper form.

If the surviving spouse or life partner does not claim within 6 months, then a dependant child can apply for the benefits, provided that the claim is made within 14 days after the 6 months have expired (during which the spouse should have applied).

Benefits can be paid up to a maximum of 238 days in any period of 4 years, depending on the number of credits an employee has earned.

The benefits that are paid are equal to the unemployment benefits that would have been paid if the person was still alive.

How to check UIF Payment Status

To check your payment status, follow the steps below:

  • Visit the Ufilling Portal, powered by UIF
  • Login with your registration details
  • Follow the prompt afterward.
UIF Contact Details

For more queries, you are free to contact UIF

Call Center Operational Hours
07:30 – 16:00
Weekdays (Monday–Friday)

Telephone: 0800 030 007

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